Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Battle of Algiers

In the film, "The battle of algiers," it depicts the war for independence in French Algeria. I think the director did a good job with filming it with many non-actors and people playing themselves. This formed a realism that made the film seem like a newsreel and documentary. This filmic effect gives alot of depth to the movie and makes it very meaningful to me. Instead of watching a movie with acting and blatant blowup scenes, i felt an understanding and compasion for the Algerians. The most memorable scenes for me were of the algerian city life and public riots because of how real it looked. The director also does a good job not glorifying a side and choose one over another. All though my sympathy went towards the Algerians, the film did not side on the algerians being the good and french being evil.